OMNES, a major private equity player committed to ESG, is accelerating its development in the energy transition and innovation, selling its Buyout activities, and bringing in IDI as a new minority shareholder. Omnes’ management will retain a majority stake. IDI takes a minority stake of over 40% and will have two seats on the Omnes Supervisory Board.

OMNES will thereby focus on four sustainable investment activities related to the environmental and energy transition: renewable energy, sustainable cities, deeptech venture capital and co-investment.

With this unique and differentiated positioning, OMNES will increase its impact on the major challenges of the European energy and environmental transition, which are the development of green energy production capacity, the decarbonization of cities, sustainable innovation and, more broadly, the environmental and social transition of companies.

The company aims to increase its total assets under management to more than €10bn in the medium-term, notably by strengthening the international exposure of its businesses.


Management transition

On the occasion of this transaction, Fabien Prévost will hand over the role of Chief Executive Officer of OMNES to Serge Savasta. He will accompany this transition as Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Investment Officer. Michel de Lempdes will continue his role as Head of Venture Capital, Managing Partner and member of the Board of Directors. Michael Pollan and Marc-Philippe Botte will take the lead of the renewable energy activity and become Managing Partners.

Twelve senior members from the investment and support teams will also become shareholders of OMNES.

Serge Savasta said: “I would like to thank Fabien, IDI and all of our employees, partners, investors and entrepreneurs for the trust they have placed in me. Our goal is to build on the unique performance achieved in renewable energy for over 15 years to position OMNES as the European leader in private equity committed to the energy and environmental transition.”

Fabien Prévost added: “I am delighted to welcome IDI as a minority shareholder in Omnes. I am excited to continue to devote 100% of my time to the development of Omnes within the framework of a managerial transition based on continuity, growth and performance at the service of our clients.”

Julien Bentz, Managing Partner of IDI comments: “We are very pleased that IDI has become a significant shareholder of Omnes. With our experience in supporting growing management companies, we are eager to accompany the acceleration of Omnes’ growth. With its numerous successes in France and in Europe, as well as its extensive experience in Renewable Energy, Ommes aims to become a European leader in energy and environmental transition, building on its track-record built over 15 years.”


Capenergie 5 launch

OMNES is also launching the fundraising of Capenergie 5, the fifth vintage of a series of renewable energy funds that have been achieving net IRRs above 15% for more than 12 years. The fundraising targets €1.35bn with a hard cap of €1.65bn. Capenergie 5 is attracting significant interest with numerous subscriptions already received from European and international investors.

Fundraising of the second vintage fund dedicated to sustainable cities, CEP2, with a target size of €200m, is currently being finalized. The launch of new vintages of deeptech venture capital and co-investment funds is scheduled for spring.


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