For the second year in a row, Crédit Agricole Private Equity has launched two FCPI funds (mutual funds investing in innovative companies), which allow individual investors to benefit from tax provisions relating to wealth tax and income tax under the TEPA law.

Crédit Agricole PME Innovation 2009 and Capital Invest PME 2009 have been offered to the Group’s high net worth customers by the Crédit Agricole Regional banks and the LCL network.

Despite particularly difficult market conditions, Crédit Agricole Private Equity has received inflows of €28 million from 2,800 private investors, representing an average investment of €9,756 per investor. For all of its FCPI funds, Crédit Agricole Private Equity has raised over €100 million in the space of one year.

Antoine Colboc, head of Venture Capital, comments: “These FCPI funds play a very important role in France’s economic development. They stand out significantly from other wealth tax optimisation vehicles – in particular holding companies – as they are designed for the sole purpose of investing in fast-growing, new and innovative companies”.

Nearly 30,000 people currently hold shares in FCPI funds managed by Crédit Agricole Private Equity, which has been present in the FCPI market since 2000.

Crédit Agricole Private Equity is one of the key players in the financing of innovative SMEs. Its 12- strong Venture Capital team manages €400 million dedicated to investment in new companies in the information technology and life sciences sectors.

Press contact
Martine Sessin-Caracci – – +33 1 43 23 90 88

About Crédit Agricole Private Equity
Crédit Agricole Private Equity, an AMF-authorised investment management company and wholly-owned subsidiary of Crédit Agricole S.A., specialises in direct private equity investment in unlisted companies. A multi-specialist, Crédit Agricole Private Equity has 50 investment teams focusing on different segments of the private equity market (LBO & Expansion, Venture Capital, Mezzanine, Renewable Energy, PPP Infrastructure, Co-Investment…) and manages a total of €2.8 billion in various types of private equity vehicle (FCPR, SICAR, FCPI and SCR). Crédit Agricole Private Equity supports entrepreneurs in their expansion plans.
