Signatory of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment
As a signatory of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment, Omnes includes environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria into its investment processes, the guidance of its portfolio companies and the daily internal practices of the company and its employees. Omnes incorporates ESG aspects into its initial due diligence in order to identify the main ESG risks, suggest areas for improvement and secure the support and commitment of the management team. Annual audits are then carried out in companies in which Omnes is a leading shareholder to make sure ESG criteria have been properly applied in the company, and to assess the progress achieved. An economic impact study is carried out at exit.
Signatory of the Initiative Carbone 2020
Omnes has joined the Initiative Carbone 2020 launched in November 2015 by Apax France, Ardian, Eurazeo, LBO France and PAI Partners. This initiative is the first collective undertaking in the French private equity sector supporting responsible and transparent management of the greenhouse gas emissions of the companies in which they are shareholders. The iC20 signatories have decided to take action to contribute to the COP21 target of limiting global warming to 2 degrees Celsius. This commitment fits in fully with Omnes Capital’s strategy as a responsible investor, keen to factor environment, social and governance (ESG) issues into its investment processes and how it works with its investment holdings.
Gender equality index
Omnes has an index of professional equality between women and men of 82 points in 2023, which breaks down as follows:
– Indicator relating to the pay gap between women and men: 35/40
– Indicator relating to the difference in the rate of individual increases between women and men: 35/35
– Indicator relating to the % of female employees having received a raise in the year following their return from maternity leave: indicator not calculable
– Indicator relating to the number of employees of the under-represented gender among the 10 employees with the highest salaries: 0/10
Total points obtained: 82 out of a maximum of 100 points that can be obtained.
Professional equality between women and men is an essential element of OMNES’ Human Resources policy, and the company is pursuing its objectives of maintaining and improving the indicators.